Floral Mgt. Studies

Floral Management Students 1
Floral Management Students 2
Floral Management Students 3
Floral Management Students 4

CALS Floral Management

Floral Management involves sourcing, purchasing, distributing, marketing, designing with, and selling floricultural products. Students enrolled in this concentration are provided with courses in design and horticulture, balanced with business and sciences. Career opportunities for graduates include retailing, wholesaling, special event designing, and display gardening. The University Florist, a professional flower shop owned and operated by the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences on the MSU Campus, provides students with work and management opportunities.


  • Freelance floral design
  • Garden design and management
  • Horticulture therapy
  • Hotel/Casino hopitality floriculture management
  • Media design and styling
  • Retail floristry
  • Specialty visual design
  • Traditional and concept floriculture retailing
  • Wedding and bridal design planning
  • Wholesale floral management

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